Board of Directors and corporate governance
The company’s Board of Directors is composed of five members and three alternates elected at an Annual General Meeting for a term of one year. The Board shall elect a Chairman and Vice Chairman from its own ranks. The Chairman of the Board of Ölgerðin is Bogi Þór Siguroddsson. The CEO is Andri Þór Guðmundsson. The Board of Directors of Ölgerð Egils Skallagrímssonar hf. operates in accordance with specific and clear rules of operation. The company is a limited company and follows the laws and regulations applicable to such companies. Ölgerðin operates three sub-committees: the Audit Committee, consisting of all Board members; the Remuneration Committee, consisting of three parties and providing consultancy services to the Board as regards the company’s remuneration policy; and the company’s management team, which consists of 8 persons, i.e. all the managers of the company.
Ölgerðin Organisational Chart
Ölgerðin owns 100% of the shares in Danól. Danól is an independent sales and marketing company which sells food products and speciality goods of various types. The company focuses on ensuring that its goods are of the highest quality and that customers can rely on such quality. Only products that Danól believes to have the potential to be leading products in their category.
Iceland Spring

Ölgerðin owns a 51% shareholding in Iceland Spring, while other shareholders are foreign entities. Ölgerðin is responsible for bottling for the company, which conversely is responsible for international sales and marketing. Iceland Spring owns the subsidiary Pure distribution, which is responsible for sales in the US.