The workplace

The key to the success of companies is in their employees. The goal of Ölgerðin is to have capable, well-educated and enthusiastic employees who together create a dynamic and positive working environment. The employees of Ölgerðin march in step toward the future vision of the company: to be the first choice of customers and consumers. The diverse background of employees makes the workplace an enjoyable place to be.



Equal rights


Ölgerðin’s policy is to ensure that it maintains full equality irrespective of age, gender, sexual orientation, sexual identity, nationality, colour, religious beliefs, political views or other forms of discrimination. Ölgerðin has established an equal rights policy and is equal pay certified according to the ÍST 85:2012 standard. Each and every member of staff is valued and respected on their merits.


Ölgerðin is dedicated to being involved in equal rights issues and strives to create a healthy workplace culture. Special analyses have been performed regarding culture, with a focus on equal rights and diversity. Management and employees thereby gain better knowledge and take on increased responsibilities for equal rights issues.



Education and training


The employees of Ölgerðin are the company’s most valuable resource. It is of great importance that employees feel comfortable in their work and that they grow and prosper at work. As a result, the company ensures that employees enjoy quality training and that good work performances lead to increased responsibilities and rewards within the company.


Educational needs within the company are analysed on a regular basis by review groups and interviews within Ölgerðin. The company offers dynamic electronic education which employees can attend at the time and speed that suits each employee. There employees can see what is on offer and what courses they have already attended.


Career development


The story of Ölgerðin spans more than 100 years, and some of our employees have worked for Ölgerðin for quite some time.  The tasks undertaken are diverse, and Ölgerðin makes every effort to allow its employees to develop their skills within the company.   




Dynamic social life



Ölgerðin is an enjoyable workplace employing a large number of people with extensive knowledge and experience. The Mjöður Staff Association maintains a highly active social life and organises numerous events and other entertainment. The employees of Ölgerðin can find many opportunities to gather and socialise, such as the staff day JÁ-dagurinn (YES-day), the beer day J-day, annual celebrations, the Ölgerðin þjóðhátíð and more



Human resources policy and values


The management of Ölgerðin know that the key to the success of the company lies in its employees. The goal of the company is to have capable, well-educated and enthusiastic employees who together create a dynamic and positive working environment. Find out more about Ölgerðin’s human resources policy and values.


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